Free PUBG Keys From Ebay

 Company Name : eBay
Email, or contact Form : N/A
Value : ?
Country tested : USA
Difficulty : Easy 

Step 1: Go on and search for a PUBG Steam key. Make sure the shipment method is virtual NOT PHYSICAL.

Step 2: Buy it, don't worry you'll get your money back. I personally think using paypal makes this method faster but you can still use other payment methods.

Step 3: once the seller messages you the code, use it!

Step 4: Start a dispute(On paypal if you used paypal, on eBay if you didn't use paypal) and say that you received a virtual item.Ebay doesn't accept them.

Step 5: Escalate the dispute and it will go in your favor because the item shouldnt even be listed on ebay seeing how it is against their policy.

DONE! Once the dispute is finished you get your money back and you already used the code so the game isn't on your steam account!  (works for anything virtual and redeemable really, just another commonsense



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